Friday, June 11, 2010

Well Isn't That Nice :: Fight Like A Girl

So it’s Friday, and that usually finds me handing out flowers to some well-deserving passive-aggressive schmuck. (Don’t know what I’m talking about? Go here.) My head’s circling the drain on something a little different today. Something not nice, no matter how you sugar coat it. Something that just makes you want to scream…brace yourself…I’m gonna do it…I’m gonna use the F word…right…now...FUCK!!

Not long ago, a friend of mine – not a close friend actually, she’s the Mom of a friend of Buddy Boy’s, and I like her very much – well, she found out she has breast cancer. And not the “good” stage 1 kind. She’d had a clean mammogram just a few months earlier. This sucks! But she’s strong…so amazingly strong. She made a few jokes, shaved her head, bought some wigs, and donned a “Fight Like A Girl” t-shirt. And she’s doing it…she’s fighting like a girl. Not like a snippity, passive-aggressive suburban housewife, but like a girl. A scratching, clawing, grab-you-by-the-ponytail-and-drag-your-waxed-legs-through-the-parking-lot GIRL.

So today, instead of taking the Southern Lady’s approach to some petty act of unkindness, I’m going to celebrate my friend.  Of course, that doesn’t mean you don’t get to pass out any flowers. There are still plenty of people out there who deserve them, so tell me about it and link up!

Well isn't that nice!

This weekly post is usually brought to you by passive-aggressive people everywhere.  Today it's brought to you by breast cancer. Is there someone or something you’d like to send a flower to today? Or maybe you'd just like to flip someone off in a genteel kinda way. By all means DO SO. And then swipe my button up there and include it in your post. Then come back here and link up, of course.


Alyssa S. said...

I want to say "that really sucks", but really, that doesn't even cover it. I'm glad she's kicking and biting the whole way and I pray that she beats it!

Anonymous said...

Kicking and screaming, tell her "she rocks" for me!

cathyjoy said...

nothin' like a girl fight to kick cancer's ass!

T@PoppyPlacePdx said...

Sending your friend positive energy so she can kick ass!

Have a wonderful weekend, D. :) T.