Friday, May 29, 2009


Isn't it funny how when you really need to be doing something there's always something else that seems more interesting or more important? And it's so easy to justify that 'more interesting' thing. Like right now, for example, I really need to be making a lemon pie. We're going over to friends' for dinner in an hour or so and I ALWAYS bring dessert. People count on me for this -- and they love me for it (or so I'm told.) I really REALLY NEED to be making a lemon pie right now. But all I can think about is The Blog.

'...but I really need to get a new post up on The Blog.'

That's what I really needed to do on Tuesday. But on Tuesday, laundry seemed more compelling. LAUNDRY!! Laundry and compelling don't belong in the same paragraph together, let alone the same sentence!

So validate me...please! Tell me, what suddenly becomes important to you when you have something you really need to be doing? And, is it really procrastination if you're being productive on a different task? Because quite seriously, I'm not sure I'd ever get anything done if I didn't have something else more important to do.

OK, I guess I'd better go make that pie.

( Yes, I got the pie made -- but only because really needed to take out the trash. Heh! )

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Oops! My Give Away!!

OMG! I can't believe I completely forgot about my 1st give away. Well...actually, I can. If I can forget to put the pre-packed lunches in the car when loading up for school in the morning, why is it so implausible that I can forget about my blog give away? Seriously, I've been forgetting lunches for two years now -- I've only been at this blog thing for a month. I've got a LOT more forgetting to do!

Oh yeah...the give away, back to the give away. I received two childhood fear comments - both of which I could totally relate to. Well, I decided to declare TWO winners to my give away. I can do that, you know. I'm just that empowered here in the land of TeddyStartedIt. So meet the 'winners':

AlyGatr - She's got a fantastic blog that always puts a smile on my face -- regardless of what craziness is going on around here, so check it out: She makes pretty pretties that are available in her Etsy shop. I've got my eye on these:

and then there's:

Gravitando - I met her first on Twitter as Nataliaraya (which is also her Etsy shop name). Her jewelry is amazing, as is the photography of her work. Check out her shop at I've always worn gold, but after seeing her stuff, I've decided it's time to make the switch. It's really just that beautiful.

Now I know my little give away is not like winning the lottery, or a really powerful vacuum or anything, but for me it kind of is. To have someone be interested enough in what I'm doing here to make a comment is pretty amazing to me. So ladies, thanks for making my days.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Rainy Day Blues Busters

Ugh...yet another grey day. I shouldn't complain. I know soon enough that hot Texas sun is going to be beating down and I'm going to be wanting a little of this cloud cover back. I should be looking on the bright side: lots of water in the lakes means less funky tasting water in August; all this spring rain is giving my flowers a fighting chance this year; I'm saving a fortune in sunblock! Am I feeling better yet? Not really. I'd really LOVE to see the sun. But, since that's unlikely, how about a few home remedies for the 'rainy day blues'?
  • Chocolate - yeah, now I've got your attention! According to researchers at the University of Arizona consuming chocolate can boost the brain's production of serotonin - our body's own natural antidepressant. So go ahead, eat the chocolate and feel good about it!!
  • Peppermint - it's so fresh and invigorating! It's touted by aromatherapists and holistic practitioners for it's fatigue-busting, mood enhancing effects. And now there's some 'real science' to back it know, for you skeptics out there;) The Association of Chemical Reception Scientists reports that peppermint decreases anxiety, stress, fatigue and increases alertness. The study examines the impact of certain smells on drivers. They even found that peppermint reduces road rage. Is this stuff great, or what?! WebMD's got nice synopsis if you're interested. And the next time the weather's got you down, try a little Peppermint Inhalation: 1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract (available in the baking aisle at your local grocer) in 1 cup of steaming (but not boiling) water. You can drink it if you want - it's great for an upset tummy - but in this application you're just supposed to inhale it. 1/4 teaspoon in your hot cocoa is great too -- but it's already too hot here for that.
  • Baking/Cooking - Oh yeah, 'comfort food'. Filling the house with yummy smells and the promise of tasty treats is a great mood enhancer. We'll be baking today...with chocolate and peppermint, of course! Chocolate Chip Peppermint Cookies.

And if all else fails, a rousing romp in the puddles is always fun!