Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Happiness Project :: A Double Rainbow

It was pretty stormy around here yesterday – inside and out. We have houseguests, including a 6yo and another 3yo. Yesterday afternoon, I was out number 4 to 1. Kids were screaming and burping and chasing the cats and spilling stuff all over the floors and calling each other “baby-head” (and just WHY is this funny?), and fighting and getting in each other’s way. I totally lost it, hit the sauce and spent the rest of the evening in a drunken stupor. I remained calm, cool and collected through the whole adventure…until dinner time when Buddy Boy announced he wasn’t going to eat any meatloaf because it was “scary looking”.

OK, it wasn’t a pretty meatloaf. I don’t like to make pretty food for my company…I don’t like to intimidate friends with my culinary superiority. I’m nice like that. But c’mon, SCARY?! And so what if it looked like dog food that could crawl off your plate at any moment? It still tasted good – and he loves the stuff. Well, the meatloaf crack was the straw that broke this camel’s back. I burst into tears and screamed at him to go to his room and never come out. I calmly told him to go upstairs and think about his actions. Two seconds later, he came flying down the stairs.

“You guys!! You guys!! You have to come see this!! It’s a rainbow!!”

Well, who could say no to enthusiasm like that. So we all ran outside and sure enough…rainbow. Actually, it was a double rainbow. And even though you can’t tell in the picture, it was a whole double rainbow – you could clearly see the beginning and the end. I’d like to say the remainder of the evening was as lovely, but it wasn’t. Whatever. We had a couple good minutes there. I”ll take what I can get!

This post is brought to you by Leigh vs. Laundry’s lovely Happiness Project. Come join the fun!



w said...

oh. i've had fun days like that. except instead of it ending with a double rainbow, it usually ends with a double vodka martini.

also. let's be real here. meatloaf is usually quite scary looking. especially with tomato sauce.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Very cool catching a double rainbow.

Unknown said...

We had a double full rainbow too! I commented to my daughter that I wished I had my phone with me(because we were in town getting syrup for pancake night)...

Anyway I love your picture...and the story!

Jocelyn Christensen said...

this is great!

Vanessa said...

Love the story and the rainbow! And I'm going to go over to Winn's the next time I have a bad day, she apparently has the good stuff! :-D

Sara said...

So pretty!! Did his discovery end his time-out early?

Actuary Mom said...

beautiful rainbow!

leigh hewett said...

Are you sure that you weren't drunk and seeing double?

That is an amazingly happy photograph!

A 2 Z said...

Love the rainbow! It really is amazing that you caught it with your camera! Thanks for sharing!


monica said...

great rainbow picture!! and sometimes i find the best tasting food to be the scariest looking. i'm officially adopting your not wanting to show of your culinary skills stance... it's very thoughtful