Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Happiness Project :: Slinky-do

My kitty, Slinky survived our vacation.  This makes me very happy.  I made three separate appointments to put her down before we left - not wanting her to pass on her own while we were gone.  But she made it through in spades.  I know her time is coming soon, but it's nice to have a few more cuddles with my scrappy little cat.

What makes you happy?  Jump on the happiness band wagon, and link up at Leigh vs. Laundry.



Vanessa said...

Awww! Sweet kitty! Enjoy those cuddles while you can!!

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Beautiful cat. enjoy your time with her.

Alyssa S. said...

I am SO happy that you have a few more precious moments to spend with sweet Slinky. I hope she lasts a bit longer so she can appreciate more your cuddles :)

Caution/Lisa said...

I'm glad she made it through, but so sorry to hear there's a big transition coming.

I'm here via Leigh. Nice to meet you :)

JennyMac said...

Adorable pic. Leigh's project is so great.

Cathy said...

What a sweet kitty. Love her up while you can!

T@PoppyPlacePdx said...

Oh Cute Kitty :) Awesome idea to post happiness, Leigh's blog is awesome, thanks for sharing :)

Have a great Day Denise, :) T.

w said...

kitty. kitty. kitty. (that's me baby animal talking.)

Actuary Mom said...

I'm glad she made it through the vacation! enjoy your cuddles.

leigh hewett said...

Love that kitty up. Rub her behind her ears and under her chin and watch her kneed her little paws in joy.

I lost a kitty 5 years ago named Cowboy. He was the love of my life. I think of Cowboy almost everyday. What I would give to hear that purr just one more time.

cabin + cub said...

Awww. she is a real cutey! Glad she is hanging in there! ;)

w said...

guess what. i gave you an award on my blog. that's what.

man. i hope i did it right.

tanya said...

Glad the lovely kitty made it. Such a lovely picture too.