Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Happiness Project :: Duct Tape

The Man came in my office today. {uh oh} He came in my office to offer me some "constructive criticism". Yeah. So. Basically, he came in to tell me all the wrong things I'm doing with my business. And then, of course, he proceeded to tell me all the right things I should be doing with my business. A lively discussion ensued. He stomped out mad, mumbling that I never consider his ideas; I sat smoldering in my chair wishing I could just slap a piece of duct tape over his mouth when he starts 'helping' me. So today's Happiness post isn't so much about what made me happy today as much as it's about what would have made me happy today. Duct tape would have made me happy. Unfortunately, I only had a thin roll of that not-so-sticky blue painter's tape. I'm happy to report, it did the trick.

{And I'm happy that The Man is such a trouper.}

So what makes you happy?  Jump on the happiness band wagon, and link up at Leigh vs. Laundry.



Erica said...


Duct tape is good for so many things :)

Actuary Mom said...


T@PoppyPlacePdx said...

That is Classic :) T.

T@PoppyPlacePdx said...

Oh and I am off to the P.O. right now to mail your print, so look for it in the mail in a few :) T.

w said...

they make pretty painter's tape now. with polka dots and stuff. so. that might work out even better than plain ol' gray duct tape.

Vanessa said...

Okay, your man had to earn himself some brownie points for doing that!!! LOL!


LOL! What a good sport!

Nnavana said...

Good reaading your post