Friday, March 5, 2010

Black and Blue and Geraiums All Over

This lovely photo was taken by my blogging buddy, T over at Poppy Place PDX. I'm convinced this is THE geranium that sat in the window of the room in Mutigny, France that I called home for a few fantastic days. I'd never taken much notice of geraniums until my honeymoon. The Man and I were married in Switzerland and spent three fantastic weeks touring the country. One of the first things you notice about the place -- besides those mountains and the cows with the bells -- are the geraniums. They drip from every single window in every single town. It's truly an amazing sight. T's having a give away right now and there's still time to enter -- so drop in for a visit and enter. If I win, this picture will be my prize. First because it reminds me so much of that fantastic trip to France; second because it makes me think of those cheery windows in Switzerland; and third because I've come to regard geraniums as powerful medicine.

I've actually been spending a lot of time with geraniums lately - partially in preparation for my annual ski vacation. What? Yep, that's right. I wont go skiing without my geraniums. That's because the distilled oil of these lovely plants provides just the kind of medicine one might need on a ski trip. If only I'd known last year what now - that geranium oil is great at easing the pain, swelling and discoloration of bruises. You see, last year I had a little mishap. On the very first day on the slopes. Just a little oopsy-daisy. OK, maybe it wasn't so little. Maybe it was a big YEEEOOOOWCH of a mishap.

Well, this year I'm prepared with a little bottle of geranium elixir -- and I'm hoping like hell that I wont be needing it. So how 'bout you? Do you have any great home remedies for the things that leave you black & blue all over?


T@PoppyPlacePdx said...

OUCH! That looks very painful :(

THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for blogging about my giveaway, you are awesome :)

Hope you are having a wonderful time and no more injuries.

Housework in a Tiara, M'Lady, gotta do it in style,
way to go :) T.

w said...

um. ouch. that shade of purple just doesn't look good on anyone.

please don't fall down the slopes this year.

i have aloe at home. lots of it. i loves it. it's good for burns. which is good for me. since i love playing fire. allegedly.

tanya said...

Ouch. You have a wonderful shiner right there. Unfortunately I do not know of any remedies but your smiling tells me you are on the right track to healing yourself quickly;

Absolutely Small said...

I had no idea about geranium oil! I need to get some, I'm quite the bruiser. (Albeit in much less dramatic ways!) Thank you for sharing!