In an effort to keep the TV turned off, we’ve been spending our time on Valentine’s projects. We’re in the process of all kinds of things. That’s right – we’re starters. We just LOVE to start stuff. We don’t always finish it, but who was it that said ‘it’s not the destination, it’s the journey’? Well, we’ve really been having a lot of fun with this stuff. So much so, that I’ve decided to share it with the world. So in the weeks leading up to Valentine’s day, I’m going to be sharing it here.

It was actually Buddy Boy's idea to put the extras in the shop, and I promised I’d give him all the profits as a reward for his entrepreneurial spirit. In return, he's promised to indulge me with chocolate and flowers. He’s planning on hitting it big here, people -- and I'm always ready to receive bon bons and posies. know…I think I’ll help him out here a little. I’m going to do a give away – US and Canada only this time folks. (Sorry)
OK, let's see:
- Leave a comment w/your favorite sick-day activity, get an entry
- Leave a comment if you’re currently sick and just want to complain about it, get an entry (maybe two if your complaining really impresses me)
- Follow the blog, get an entry
- Tweet this, get an entry
- Tweet the shop, get an entry
- Fan the Facebook Page, get an entry
- Buy something from the FlutterbyGirly shop, get 2 entries

Give-away ends at midnight on the 31st (of January).
57 comments: wanna heart :) I think the best thing to be done on a sick nothing! Knock on wood, my kiddos have never really been all that sick and for the most part, still want to play even when they are. I try to get them to sit still and be calm when they aren't feeling well.
Sorry...boring answer!
I'm a Facebook fan!!
And...I follow the blog (of course!)
Great good collections.Thank you besides Wish you in hand before a Happy Valentine's Day.
Send gifts to India,Value Money|Exclusive Valentine Specials 4 UR Beloved
My favorite sick day activity is rewatching tv shows I've seen from beginning to end over 5 times.
My husband just got over a 2 week stint of pneumonia where he didn't even go down stairs the entire time. I was there for him and what do I get in return, sick! That's what! Not fair.
Ginger ale and Top Ramen is just not doing it for me. I'm starving over here.
I'm also a blog follower now.
I tweeted about your giveaway and about your shop.
I'm also a facebook fan.
Can you tell I really want to win this giveaway?
Coffee and a crossword in bed! A nice way to relax! :)
I'm following!
I tweeted!
I tweeted about your etsy shop!
I'm a facebook fan!
My favorite sick-day activity is pigging out! I order a pizza, and just eat junk food and ice cream! Best way to feel better from a cold :)
sarahleary88 [at] yahoo [dot] com
OMG! This is so bizarre that you said that because I had a cold last week! It's getting better, and now I just take cough drops. I was weezing in bed, and didn't take shower for like three days striaght! haha
sarahleary88 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I follow your blog!
sarahleary88 [at] yahoo [dot] com
sarahleary88 [at] yahoo [dot] com
tweeted the shop!
sarahleary88 [at] yahoo [dot] com
Became a fan on facebook!
I love the default pic!~
sarahleary88 [at] yahoo [dot] com
I have been enjoying your blog and your Etsy shops!!
A fun project for little ones(my mom use to do this for me in the 80's,when she cleaned office buildings)
Purchase a hole puncher and some pretty paper and punch,punch,punch, enough little circles to glue on and make a picture..Simple and fun;)
We are feeling all good right now but i would like to share some simple ingredients to have on hand to help fight any little yucky for children too but good luck getting them to drink ;)
* 1 inch or so fresh ginger root, sliced thin or grated
* 1/2 a fresh lemon, sliced (peel & all)
* 1 clove garlic, mashed
* ~2 c water
* Very generous spoonful honey
I like to add a dash of Cayenne too.
Just boil a couple cups of water and pour over garlic and ginger add honey and lemon juice.Hold your nose(if you can taste anything that is) and plenty of rest.
Hope you feel better soon!!
My fav sick day activity is sleeping :)
Shay Lee
following ur blog!
Shay Lee
tweet tweet
Shay Lee
Fan the Facebook Page
Shay Lee
My favorite sick day activity is napping!
I love the ruby red with silver
kristenlaudick at yahoo dot com
Ooh, so much fun. Thanks for hosting this giveaway! My favorite sick day activities include watching old movies and drinking ginger ale. I try to have a little fun if I'm feeling awful.
I'd like the ruby red with a gold chain. :)
- JoAnn, Sidewalk Chalk
I tweeted about it here:
- JoAnn, Sidewalk Chalk
When I'm sick, I love to curl up in front of the TV with several very large cups of hot tea and snuggle in my big comforter.
Oh, and I love the Siam with silver chain. Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite sick day activity is watching movies.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite sick day activity is reading in bed.Thank you for the giveaway :)
I am currently sick and had to miss class yesterday and today too....and I am so scared of getting behind because I have midterms starting next Monday!!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
Does pain count? Fortunately I don't get sick often but I live with pain constantly. I love to snuggle in with a blanket or throw and read or watch TV.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
My fav sick day activity is watching cartoons on the couch in my pj's. Scooby doo anyone, and yes I am 29 and proud of it.
I love the pink or purple on a silver chain.
I do have a headache right now. 4th one in 1 week. It needs to be sunny out.
I like the pink or purple on a silver chain.
I am a blog follower.
I like pink or purple on silver.
I am a fan of facebook now.
I love the pink or purple on silver.
My favorite sick day activity is a good book...just a little extra time to read :)
I'm a follower :)
I'm a facebook fan (ColleenBT)
When I am sick all that I want to do is sleep, watch tv, read, and eat egg drop soup. I don't want to talk with anyone, I don't want anyone to visit, just leave me alone to get better. I'm mean, I know :) ambrerose(at)
My favorite thing to do is watch tv. Something that is a good mix of drama and comedy. Chuck, Castle and NCIS are my current favorites.
My 15-year-old stepdaughter just got out of one hospital last week, where she'd been for nine days, and is has just gone in today to another hospital where she might be for a few weeks. While she was in the first hospital I went in and painted her fingernails, gave her a facial and other little 'pamperings', including some really cool purple comb-in hair color! We also played the 'oh, she's so sick' card on her dad, and got him to allow us to put pink color in HIS hair and beard, and even a little bit of makeup on him! This was IN the hospital! Yeah...he had a GREAT time walking out past the nurses and other patients that night! :) (And of course I documented it all in film!) It really made her feel better to be pretty and to laugh at her pretty daddy! I will cook up some similar scheme for her stay in this new hospital.
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Dang...I'm NOT sick!! (Knock wood...can't believe I'm complaining about NOT being sick!) Hurumph...does whining about being healthy (so far) count for an entry?! :)
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
I'm following...this is FUN!
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
My favorite activity when I'm a bit sick would be sewing. If I'm really sick, you'll find me on the couch under a blanket, watching tv and drinking tea.
ghainskom at yahoo dot com
Yes, I'm kind of sick at the moment. I had two teeth extracted two weeks ago. First, the anesthesia didn't properly work and I supposing I was only feeling half of the pain I'd've suffered had I not gotten the local anesthesia, I have NO idea how people had their teeth extracted before the anesthesia existed. I guess they just passed. Anyway, the 2 teeth are out, but a nerve appears to have suffered from the surgery so eversince I' can't feel the right side of my kin anymore. Ironically enough, it feels anesthesised now. Permanently. It also feels swollen (although it looks normal) so I totally feel like Tom Cruise in Vanilla Sky. The nerve might take a couple of months to regenerate so I'd better get used to it...
ghainskom at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower. I I win, I'd like a silver chain and an India pink heart.
ghainskom at yahoo dot com
i love wrapping myself up in my comforter and plopping in front of the TV with hot tea
hockiemack at
why yes I am currently sick. I've had this terrible cough for a month that is the worst first thing in the morning, but since I work in medicine the last thing I wanna do is let people know and get bombarded with advice.
hockiemack at
hockiemack at
my fave sick-day activity....watching movies! i could run a marathon!
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
lol i wonder how many of us are currently sick? *cough hack cough*
ok ok, i'm not lying...i am sick! my nose is running, my throat is so dry that even the sahara desert cannot beat it. i'm sticking to fluids only for now...think it should be over in a day or two. i'm glad i was at least sick during the duration of your giveaway so i could get an extra entry! :)
fertawert AT yahoo DOT com
My favorite thing to do when I am sick is eat ice cream, if I can, and watch movies in my pj's. If I was blessed enough to win this giveaway, I would love to have the India pink heart on a silver chain.
You can contact me at hook6475{at}yahoo{dot}com
I'm now a fan on facebook.
Holly Hook
Same email as above
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