Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Happiness Project :: The End of Soccer Season

It's Tuesday!  And not just any Tuesday.  It's the 1st Tuesday in...well...in a long time that we don't have any soccer practices.  Tuesdays have been my day from hell ever since school started.  The whole day was consumed with shuttling one kid here the other kid there.  Then back to get the kid from here to there and then off to get the other kid from there to here.  Ugh!  It's been brutal.  I never did figure out when to squeeze dinner in.  We all just kind of went hungry on Tuesdays.  And now it's OVER!  At least until Basketball season starts.

What's making you happy today?  Join The Happiness Project over at Leigh vs. Laundry and tell us all about it.



Natalie said...

Wow! You are/have been one busy momma! At least you get a little break ;) great shot as well!

Susan Anderson said...

I remember those days when every day seemed driven by sports. Looking back on it, I remember a lot of fun. But at the time?

Pure stress!


T@PoppyPlacePdx said...

Oh D, I can relate (from a parental distance, YAY!) to your joy!

I have to admit I do not miss those days except that I spent more times with my kids, who are now off roaming the planet (He! He!)

Today I will be Happy when......I get of the computer and eat......

Have a lovely evening, T. :)

Chelle Lynn said...

Making me happy today: apple pie and fall leaves. :)

Vanessa said...

So far, it's just one girl in ballet. But I feel that way when The Husband's softball season ends!

But sad that my volleyball season is ending for now...

Actuary Mom said...

that sounds super exciting!! the end of having to rush around, yay.