Sunday, August 2, 2009

Etsy Oops!

OK, short post tonight. Not because I'm lame or anything -- because we've pretty much established that I can be very lame at times. But tonight, I just want to see if you're on your toes. So, tell me what's wrong with this package.


LilithEvy said...

lol!!! It's a little bit... how to said... pervert and contradictory :o)

Little Bird Too said...

i don't think i can speak because i'm laughing so much!!! hehe

Jenny said...

Thanks for the good giggle! I needed that.

Aunt Cindy said...

LOL! Nice :)

Alyssa S. said...

This is why I'm bad at talking about the birds and bees with my 3 year old...I myself am virtually clueless about these things...and it took everyone else's comments to give me the "a HA!" that I needed. FUNNY!

tanya said...

Hahaha, that's a good one.
You have a wicked sense of humor. I

JustAnotherJenny said...

It says Pottery Barn of course!

wishwithme said...


Erica said...

HAHA...that is hilarious!

Jeans and a Sweatshirt- said...

just discovered this i have to ask...did you do it on purpose? or did it just happen that way?